Shinigami Eyes - Privacy policy

Last updated Oct 1, 2024

What information does this extension collect?

When you contribute to the project by adding, changing or removing a label, the following information is submitted via a secure connection: the identifier or URL of the entity you're labeling, the type of vote, the URL of the page where the vote is made, a snippet of the relevant post/comment (if applicable), an identifier that is randomly generated on your machine at installation time (used to help prevent abuse), and technical information that browsers implicitly include in every connection, such as IP address and browser name and version ("User-Agent"). The first time you attempt to submit a vote, a confirmation page will be displayed, to make sure you understand that votes are transmitted over the network.

When you instead passively use the extension, no connections are initiated by the extension, except for a periodic update check via a static configuration file hosted on GitHub. A local dataset (in the form of a "bloom filter") is used to determine the color of the entities you see on your screen.

How is this information used?

This information is only used to improve the extension and its accuracy, through automated and/or manual validation. The information is not sold to third parties, nor used for advertisement or other commercial purposes.

What measures are in place to secure the data?

Your votes are transmitted through a secure connection (HTTPS) and encrypted at rest (using strong, modern cryptography).

What information do you share?

If your vote is deemed (through automatic and/or manual means) to be trustworthy, the bloom filter distributed in future versions of the extension may be modified to trigger a positive or negative (green/red) response to the entity you voted.

All other details about your vote (such as the URL of the context page, or the contents of the relevant post) are never shared.

There is no guarantee that your vote will be taken into account. In all cases, you will however see the color of the labeled entity changing, because your overrides (stored locally by your web browser) always take the precedence over what the bloom filter would otherwise determine.